

Is Jordan Safe to Travel 2016?

Jordan Travel Tips|

What is the current situation in Jordan for travelers? Is it safe to visit Jordan in 2016? The reality in Jordan could not be more opposite than the perception portrayed by Western media. As Americans living on the [...]

How To Be A Human


As Wendell Berry recites "How To Be a Poet", I am reminded of how to be a human.I was particularly struck by these lines:Communicate slowly. Live   a three-dimensioned life;   stay away from screens.   Stay away from anything   that obscures the [...]

“What you guys do has to be the highlight of my travels. (And I’ve been wined and dined in the Paris Opera House and traveled on private trains with world famous guides). What you do gave me more understanding of a people and culture in a week than I would have thought possible!”
Kathy, from the USA.
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